Horticulture's latest alarm dialler connected to IIVO; Schenkeveld Schiphol first practical example

Hoogendoorn's IIVO is the first climate computer in horticulture with which ARA-Pro Next is linked. Kevin Kleijweg, Service Engineer Hoogendoorn, and Lodewijk Duymaer van Twist, Engineering Manager at Adésys, look back together on the intensive cooperation in establishing the link between IIVO and ARA-Pro Next. Arthur van der Meijs, Schenkeveld Schiphol crop manager, explains how it works for them in practice.

"Having worked intensively together, the coupling between the IIVO and ARA-Pro Next continues to offer the best of both worlds."

Two seemingly different service providers have found each other well in gaining the blind trust of growers and farm managers in horticulture. Like us, who replaced our ARA-Pro version 5 for the new ARA-Pro Next, horticultural supplier Hoogendoorn chose to completely renew their trusted iSii with the IIVO. Both parties decided this so that reliability as well as flexibility on current and future technology could be guaranteed.

Kevin Kleijweg, Service Engineer Hoogendoorn, and Lodewijk Duymaer van Twist, Engineering Manager at Adésys, look back together on the intensive cooperation in establishing the link between IIVO and ARA-Pro Next.

Read more about the realisation of the link


“The ARA-Pro Next which ensures that all alarms coming into the IIVO are called out to the right people. It works very satisfactorily.“

Schenkeveld Schiphol was one of the first ARA5 customers to switch to ARA-Pro Next with a link to Hoogendoorn's IIVO. Arthur van der Meijs, Cultivation Manager, explains how the link works for them in practice.

See the reference from Schenkeveld Schiphol

Sound in Dutch with English subtitles

about ARA-Pro Next about the duty schedule module


Additional information

  1. ARA-Pro Next
  2. Octalarm Link
  3. Duty schedule module
  4. Hoogendoorn | IIVO

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