Horticulture's latest alarm dialler connected to IIVO

Two seemingly different service providers have hit it off well in gaining the blind trust of growers and farm managers in horticulture. Both alarm device manufacturer Adésys and horticultural supplier Hoogendoorn separately chose to completely renew their trusted product. This to ensure reliability and flexibility for current and future technology. During a pleasant cooperation between both service providers, a connection was created so that both renewed systems work perfectly together.

'The ARA-Pro 5 notification bank system for alarms has had many faithful years of service. The technology used is currently sufficient, but does not offer sufficient flexibility to connect new technologies. Because developments are so rapid, the ARA-Pro Next was developed as a reliable and completely updated successor. After a smooth transition, it is now running with the first users and shows the problem-free transition from the ARA-Pro 5 to the ARA-Pro Next,' says Lodewijk Duymaer van Twist, engineering manager at Adésys. The arrival of ARA-Pro Next has also made the Octalarm Link licence for network-controlled alarms available in other industries, such as livestock farming, water management and building management.

Innovation increases agility

Horticultural automation company Hoogendoorn develops, manufactures and supplies advanced process computers. Service Engineer Kevin Kleijwegt shares the idea of this sometimes rigorous approach: 'With our climate computer IIVO, we are taking steps towards our goal of enabling horticultural entrepreneurs to grow smarter for a more sustainable future in terms of water, climate and energy. Our iSii will be succeeded by the completely newly developed IIVO. We worked intensively with Adésys so that the link between our IIVO and their ARA-Pro Next could continue to offer the best of both worlds. That assurance remains when switching from the iSii to the IIVO.'

Interest in switching to the newer technology is also high among users. The future loss of 2G and 3G GSM networks makes the alarm notification system a topic of conversation.

Based on customer interviews and market research, it turned out there was a great demand to link several technical systems at different locations to the Adésys alarm systems. The challenge of these many links is to keep an overview of the various alarms and to send the notification to the responsible employee. Using a duty roster proved to be the solution. That is why the duty roster is available as a separate product in addition to the Octalarm Link licence.

High commitment from all parties

Cooperation between the two partners is pleasant because they both speak the same language and always want to help the customer with short lines of communication. 'We are both hugely involved in finding a solution at very short notice. Customers can always call and because of our telephone accessibility with our own people, we are always available to help,' Kleijwegt explains the fine cooperation. 'And of course it is great that IIVO is the first climate computer in horticulture with which the ARA-Pro Next is linked.'


Additional information

ARA-Pro Next  Octalarm Link  Duty schedule module

Hoogendoorn | IIVO

Testimonials: the floor is up to the customer

Schenkeveld Schiphol was one of the first ARA5 customers to switch to ARA-Pro Next with a link to Hoogendoorn's IIVO. Arthur van der Meijs, Cultivation Manager, explains how the link works for them in practice.

See the reference from Schenkeveld Schiphol

Sound in Dutch with English subtitles

about ARA-Pro Next about the duty schedule module

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