Now also app alarms with "Adesys Alarm"
Wednesday 21 October 2020
With the ‘Adesys Alarm’ app on your smartphone, you will have direct access to the status of the alarm devices linked to the app, be able to configure and manage your alarm devices, and have the option to use the fingerprint scanner, iris scanner or smartphone unlock code to accept alarms, depending on your smartphone.
More than just receiving alarms
The alarm management app for the Octalarm-Touch makes it easier to monitor cirtical processes:
- Status of critical processes always at hand
- Settings easily adjusted: manage and configure devices from your phone
- Accept alarm calls directly from the app
Status of critical processes always at hand and settings easily adjusted
All your linked devices can be viewed and configured. The current status of all inputs can be followed live per device. Quickly adjusting a setting remotely has never been easier.
Accept alarm calls directly from the app
Receive alarm notifications right on your mobile phone, use the app to rate and accept alarms. With this app you can receive high priority alarms. The alarms marked as critical in the Octalarm-Touch always make a sound, even when the telephone is on silent. This way you prevent damage and production loss.
Download the app
A account is required to use the app. Octalarm-Touch software 2.2.0 or higher is required for alarm notifications.
Software update Octalarm-Touch for alarm notification
For alarm notifications, Octalarm-Touch software 2.2.0 or higher is required. This has been made available for all detectors in the field from today (new detectors are automatically delivered with the new software).
Users can perform the update themselves as soon as the message “new software is available” appears on the display of the alarm dialler. The update process is safe and takes about 15 seconds, so that the alarm is not interrupted for long.
The new functions are included in the manual: Download Octalarm-Touch manual
Supplement 25-06-2024
New online environment 'Octalarm Documents'
Today we published Octalarm Documents: a completely new online environment for all types of Octalarm alarms (Touch | Pro | ARA).
Also read
- Octalarm alarm diallers get software update (2.6.0)
- Announcement: new management and ownership Adésys
- Now also the Octalarm manual in your pocket
- Horticulture's latest alarm dialler connected to IIVO; Schenkeveld Schiphol first practical example
- Software update Octalarm alarm diallers again offers more options
- Last call: buy Octalarm-IP now
- 14 April closed: staff celebrate
- Totally new ARA-Pro almost available: ARA-Pro Next
- Easily and securely set alternating (fault) services on your Octalarm dialler(s)
- New feature: number of call attempts within call lists can be set