Frequently asked questions (FAQ's) about safety

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How can I be sure that an alarm will go off?

Redundancy increases the chance of alarms getting through.

Your detector is redundant if it alarms over different connections. For example, over GSM and PSTN (simulated analogue line). The form in which systems are redundant varies considerably and that influences the reliability just as much.

Read more about redundancy in alarms.

With the Octalarm alarm diallers we also recommend installing the free app Adésys Alarm on your smartphone. In the dialler you can select an alarm as 'critical'. With a critical alarm, the dialler sends a message via the app even when your phone is on night or flight mode, so you can be sure that a critical alarm will be received (push-alert).

What if I cannot be reached by phone?

The more people that can receive the call, the bigger the chance it will actually get through. Adésys' experience shows that a minimum of 4 recipients in a call list gives enough certainty that an alarm will get through. Make sure you include enough persons in a call list.

We advise you NOT to switch on voicemail for telephone numbers in the call list.

With the Octalarm alarm diallers we also recommend installing the free app Adésys Alarm on your smartphone. In addition to easily accepting an alarm with, for example, your fingerprint, your iris scan or your smartphone unlock code (depending on the capabilities of your smartphone), you also have direct insight into the status of your (connected) diallers and you can set and manage your (connected) devices remotely, anytime and anywhere.

In addition, the dialler allows you to select an alarm as 'critical'. With a critical alarm, the dialler sends a notification via the app even when your phone is on night or flight mode, so you know for sure that a critical alarm will reach you (push-alert).

Do I use SMS or voice for alarms?

SMS has the great advantage that you receive a clear text with information about the alarm. A major disadvantage is that SMS is not always reliable. The messages do not always get through immediately and this does not only happen around New Year's Eve. For critical alarms, we therefore always recommend a telephone call with speech. The receiver confirms the call with a (personal) code, so you know for sure that someone has received the message.

With the Octalarm alarm diallers we also recommend installing the free app Adésys Alarm on your smartphone. Besides easily accepting an alarm with, for example, your fingerprint, your iris scan or your smartphone unlock code (depending on the possibilities of your smartphone), you also have always and everywhere direct insight into the status of your (connected) detectors and you can set and manage your (connected) detectors remotely.

How often should I test if everything still works?

There is only one way to check that everything in the alarm chain is working properly, and that is by regular testing. We recommend doing this once a month. You do this by simply pulling the plug out of the wall socket. This way, you test the emergency power supply and the alarm process.

Read the manual for the relevant alarm device for more information on testing the various products.

When does a dialler need to be replaced?

Since 1983 Adésys has supplied telephone alarm detectors and modems for monitoring critical processes and installations. We are appropriately proud of the high level of reliability and long service life of our products. That is why we want to inform you well about the life span of our equipment. After all, it is extremely important that the products continue to perform optimally.

As a guideline, you can assume that the reliability of alarms older than 10 years will decrease at an accelerated rate. Depending on the conditions of use and the impending changes in the telecom networks, this may even be sooner. It still works' should not be a reason to monitor your assets worth tons or perhaps millions with equipment that may be 15 years old or more.

Additional Information

  1. Read our knowledge articles on the subject
    1. Can you still rely on your current alarm dialler?
    2. Disabling 2G and 3G network, what does this mean for my alerts?
  2. See if your alarm is still eligible for repair and service
When is a dialler redundant?

Your diallerr is redundant when it alarms over different connections. For example, over GSM and PSTN (simulated analogue line). The form in which systems are redundant varies considerably and that influences the reliability just as much.

Read more about redundancy in alarms.

What conditions does an insurer impose on my alarm?

In the Netherlands, a number of insurers are active who specialise in preventing and insuring risks in the agricultural sector. Insurers set a number of important requirements for their policyholders. To avoid misunderstandings about the coverage of your insurance, it is important to know which conditions apply to your insurance. You can read this in your policy document. The obligations concerning the chosen reporter and the way you deal with this differ at least from one insurer to another.

Here is a list of a few important points from insurers

  1. The alarm system may not be dependent on the mains voltage but must be able to function independently. The system must therefore have its own battery with sufficient power.
  2. In connection with wear and tear, batteries are replaced every 2 years.
  3. Alarm equipment must be tested weekly.
  4. Protect alarm equipment against overvoltage on the power and signal side.
  5. The alarm notification always goes to at least two telephone numbers of one or more persons.
  6. These persons will act quickly, effectively and adequately with regard to the alarm situation. The interpretation of speed limits may differ per insurer.
  7. The communicator is connected to the telephone network first, so that an alarm always takes priority over other connected devices.
  8. The networks over which alarms can be raised are redundant. (Fixed telephony and GSM combined in one alarm device).
    The communicator should be equipped with an automatic redial and acceptance procedure.

Read the complete knowledge article about Risks in the agricultural sector