Disabling 2G and 3G network, what does this mean for my alerts?
(Update article: 19-12-2024)
From January 2022, the 3G network in the Netherlands will NOT be supported by most of the Dutch telecoms providers. In the UK, BT Group (all EE, BT Mobile and Plusnet customers), Three and Vodafone have phased out their 3G network by 2024.
If your provider no longer supports the 3G network, our GSM alarm dialers have an automatic fallback to 2G. Although 2G will remain for now, all UK providers plan to switch it off later this decade.
With the loss of 2G and 3G networks, the lifetime of older type detectors is limited and they must be replaced (possibly prematurely) to avoid compromising the security of highly critical processes.
We list the developments and implications for you.
When does the 2G and 3G networks no longer work?
The phasing out of the networks varies by provider.
We recommend you to contact your provider for clarity in your 2G and 3G delivery guarantee.
What does this mean for my alerts?
After the 2G and 3G networks are lost, the older GSM type alarm diallers no longer alerts. For the redundant alarm diallers from the Octalarm-IP series, only the analogue telephone connection can still be used. However, such analogue connections have reduced reliability.
Which diallers are involved?
Only older product types that cannot transfer to the 4G network will experience problems:
Newer devices such as the SV product line with type SVX0000-I (SVA | SVL | SVM 4G) and the Octalarm-Touch already work on 4G and will not experience any problems.
And now?
In order not to jeopardize the safety in your highly critical processes, we advise you to replace your old device in time with a newer type. We are happy to advise you in choosing the right product.