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Network controlled alarms from VEC computer control system of Dutch Mushroom Projects now possible

The state of the art computer control system for compost preparation and mushroom cultivation from Dutch Mushroom Projects (DMP) can now trigger network-controlled alarms directly via the Octalarm-Touch Pro. This makes DMP the first supplier to have linked their process computer to the alarm dialler via Octalarm Link (JSON REST API).

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Fancom now dedicated business partner of Adésys

Fancom - with a worldwide leading position in improving barn processes for pig farmers, poultry farmers and mushroom growers - and Adésys have become business partners. Fancom has added the Octalarm-Touch alarm dialler its delivery programme. These are a wonderful addition to their control products. On 14 April the sales department of Fancom visited us for a course and on 19 April the technical staff of Fancom was trained in Panningen (The Netherlands). A cooperation to be proud of!

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Status of redundancy Touch and Touch Pro alarm diallers visualised

You already knew that the Octalarm-Touch and Octalarm-Touch Pro are redundant. With the new software version 2.4.3, the internet status of the alarms has now also been made visually clear, and broken connections can be reported as system failures. This makes it even easier to ensure the redundancy of your dialler.

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Octalarm Connect price increase and amended general terms and conditions

Due to the strongly increased purchase costs for GSM and VoIP/SIP calls and the rising costs for maintenance and keeping the 24/7 monitored Adésys servers in the air, we are forced to increase the price of Octalarm Connect from January 2022 to € 14,95 per month. The use of the portal ( and the app 'Adesys Alarm' will remain free of charge.

Besides the price increase, the general terms and conditions of Octalarm Connect have also been changed. We list the most important changes for you.

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